Thursday, January 10, 2008

Still feeling summer


I dunno why would I spend time on opening a new blog... (sorry about my facebook and Xanga... I can't help with them, school blocks everthing..)..
is it simply becoz I am bored at school now?... but this is only the second day of the new school term.
maybe I just need a silent corner.... write down something I got no ones to talk to................
Look at the new timetable....just makes me feeling down.
5 maths lessons plus a double Physics lessons...==¬ but just a way it's good for me though.... it might train my brain be more calculative..
* I hope the school IT ''inspectors'' won't notice this peaceful site..god bless me.

Why am I feeling so hollow since I left home... feels like droping down into a deep endless hole.... I am definitely homesicks happens everytime I get back to England in the first week. Too much fun in the summer...with too many unforgettable memories... I miss some people so much.
..Sigh..still....a list of work is waiting for regret I did nothing *School work* in's time to catch up now... I dun wanna be left behind..
I miss the sunrise in Hong Kong... we shall go there a future day.

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